According to scientific studies, air filters are our best friend as they can trap all indoor contaminants inside your house and provide us with a comfortable atmosphere to live in. Dust, dirt, smoke, mold, particles, and many other air irritants float around our house that doesn’t only contaminate the air but also cause different health issues. Keep reading this article to know how HVAC air filters work to remove the source of allergies and pollutants from your house and help you to survive with better indoor air quality.
How do Air Filters Differ?

Different air filters, like 16x27x1 air filters, work differently, like filtered air filters capture airborne particles of various sizes. Electrostatic air filters create charged particles to trap different particles in a filter. UV light air filters utilize UV night against some particular microscopic contaminants like viruses and bacteria.
Different residential HVAC filters are available on the market, but all generally work the same, trap various contaminants and clean air back into the room. Depending on the requirements of your house, family members, and HVAC system, you must choose the right air filter. Air filters vary in terms of:
- The size of your room.
- The type of filters you use.
- The MERV rating of the filters.
- Clean air delivery date or the amount of clean air the filter can deliver.
- Weight and ease of usage.
- Targeted contaminants of the filter.
- The strength of the source of the air pollutants.
How Air Filters Help in Reducing Allergens?
The Environmental Protection Agency has suggested that indoor air can be polluted five times more than outdoor air as airborne pollutants continue to try inside our houses. Fortunately, air filters help refresh the air and reduce the risk of health issues caused by indoor allergens. If you can’t stop the spread of those allergens, they will trigger respiratory infections, aggravate symptoms, digestion problems, heart disease, neurological problems, and many more.
Quality air filters eliminate health risks and keep us healthy. Air filters capture pollutants like pollen, dust, dirt, smoke, microscopic particles, bacteria, and many other unpleasant elements from indoor air and disperse clean air back into the room. The air filtration process of a quality air filter ensures healthy air circulation indoors.
Types of Air Filters
- Fiberglass Air Filters: These air filters are the most expensive and are suitable for filtering out 20% of air particles that are around 3-10 microns in size.
- Pleated Air Filters: More expensive than fiberglass filters but highly effective against smaller air pollutants like pet dander, mold, pollen, etc.
- High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filters: Highly effective in removing 99% of air pollutants and allergens from your house. They are more expensive than fiberglass and pleated air filters.
- Electrostatic Filters: Create static electricity that works as a magnet to trap air allergens within the filter screen. They often have a carbon filter to provide improved efficiency.
- Washable Filters: More environmentally friendly than their disposable counterparts and cost-effective for many house owners. You will have to vacuum or rinse the filter to remove the impurities.
- UV Light Filters: Kill viruses and bacteria with short-wave UV light.
- Media Filters: Depending on the environment, they can last up to 2 years. They are more suitable for industrial zones or settings with weak immune systems.
You might think an air-conditioning system can’t remove all the unwanted air allergens from indoor air, but it’s never possible without choosing the right air filter. You must use quality HVAC filters to eliminate the sources that trigger allergy symptoms. This article has explained the benefits of installing air filters to reduce allergens and pollutants in your house. If you find difficulties in choosing to provide an air filter for your system, you can quickly solve the problem simply by using Simply Filters, a company with experienced air filter suppliers.