Everyone loves having pets at their homes. However, they love their carpets equally and pets and carpets form the worst equation together. When pets are young in age, they aren’t potty or toilet trained. As a result, they often find resort in the beautiful carpets of your home.
In such a scenario, house owners tend to clean it and wipe it off immediately, but if they choose to leave it as is, there are high chances that the stains get permanent. Even a few hours’ delay may lead to the formation of stains. These stains can be formed as a result of pee, vomit, or shit. Let’s look at some ways to address this problem:
How To Remove Old Pet Stains?
Say, you were out on work while your pets pooped or vomited on your costly carpets and you didn’t notice the stains until a long time. Old stains are harder to remove as compared to the new ones. These are some methods that you can use to clean the old stains from the soiled area on the carpet. You can opt for the best pet carpet cleaner services as well. Follow the below mentioned steps:
- Start by mixing a solution of half a cup of Hydrogen Peroxide along with one teaspoon of the liquid dishwasher in a container or a bowl and keep it aside.
- The next step is to sprinkle the baking soda on the affected area so that the moisture gets absorbed.
- After that, pour the liquid solution of hydrogen peroxide that you made on top of the baking soda that is sprinkled on the stain.
- You then have to gently rub the carpet area with a brush that comes with soft bristles.
- Let the cloth sit for a minimum of ten minutes. The more, the better, especially if the stain is extremely dry, old, and stubborn.
- And then, to remove the liquid, use a towel. Try and remove as much as you can so that it doesn’t become a tedious task for you. The final step is to mop or wipe out the floor and let it air dry. You can also use a vacuum cleaner to ensure proper cleaning.
Hydrogen Peroxide H2O2 is considered the best remover or disinfectant when it comes to old pet stains that are stubborn and dry. It also kills bacteria developed on the carpet because of your pet’s waste. Try using this or even Sodium Bicarbonate to easily remove stains from carpets or even other areas of your house.
Ways To Clean Pet (Especially Dog) Urine From Carpet

As we said, when dogs are young, they are not trained to pee outside. Or even when they grow up and become well-trained, there is always a chance that such accidents may occur. Therefore, it is important to know how to clean your dog’s urine from the carpet. Try following the following steps:
- The first and foremost thing a pet owner must do is clean the urine as fast as possible. Also, make sure to wash the affected region of the carpet. Doing so reduces the chances of the odor settling into the fibers of the carpet.
- The next step that a pet owner can take is to place a cloth towel or a couple of layers of newspaper or any absorbent paper on the affected spot. These layers will act as an absorbent. You can also stand on the paper/towel placed on the carpet and dab it with the help of your feet to increase their absorbent property as much as possible.
- If the smell still persists, you can try this next step. Try using a mixture of two cups each of Vinegar and warm water solution along with four tablespoons of baking soda. You then have to put this solution in a spray bottle and spray it on the affected area of the carpet. Let it, then sit for at least five to ten minutes. Next, clean the carpet area with the help of a cloth or paper. Mop or wipe out the floor to ensure proper cleaning.
Ways To Clean Pet Vomit From The Carpet
Apart from peeing and pooping, there are also chances that your pet might vomit when they are sick or have an upset stomach, or even due to acidity. The acid present in the vomit can stain any surface really fast and a carpet is no exception. The vomit stains and odor is worse than any other ones. Apart from wiping it off as soon as you can, here are some tips for you:

- Always use a dustpan to remove it in the first go. It will help you to get rid of big chunks of the mess. You can then use a towel for blotting and cleaning up the moisture from the carpet.
- Next, prepare the following mixture. Mix two cups of warm or lukewarm water with one tablespoon of salt and add a tablespoon of liquid soap and half a cup of vinegar to make a solution. Then, dip a cloth or a sponge in the mixture to get soaked and apply it to the dirty area. Blot gently. Repeat these steps until the stain gets removed. You can wipe it off with another cloth dipped in clean water on the affected area as soon as it is gone. Finally, let the carpet dry naturally.
These stains can cause a really bad odor and can be stubborn if not paid attention to immediately. Once you are done following the above mentioned steps, make sure to vacuum the area perfectly. Ensure that you use the vacuum cleaner on every nook that is present near the carpet. At times, these messy particles may get scattered across the room and if not cleaned properly, may produce a bad odor.
We hope by now you are aware of the steps you need to follow to remove old pet stains from the carpet.